Saturday, February 28, 2009

Not Me Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Well this week like all others I did NOT do a lot of things that some people might think are questionable. I have decided that this is not a once-in-a-while thing for me so really I must Not think that the behavior is too off the wall. You be the judge!

Things have been weighing a bit heavy on my mind this week and I feel that I should be working harder to be a servant for God. I need to reach out to others and offer help when I see them struggling. When I pulled into the grocery today I saw a man standing with a sign. "Will work for food". Seeing this man and knowing the bind that this economy has our family in I decided that I would bring him something warm out to eat. The weather was cold, windy, and about 30 degrees. I wandered the store carefully picking bargain meals for our family. I did pretty well if I do say so myself. 81.00 for a family of 6 for over a week,including a bag of diapers and a bag of wipes. I had several coupons and a gift card. In the end I owed about 32.00 and I bought a package of bows for Kendall's hair. Not bad!!! or.... i guess in this post "bad". As you can see I am NOT pretty proud of my penny pinching. So on the way out I stopped at the deli and bought a warm sandwich and drink for the man. I drove out and stopped to give it to him. He told me essentially "thanks but no thanks" Excuse me?!?! No, see he really would just rather have money. I told him I was sorry but I had no money to give him but thought he might want something warm to eat. Nope........... I did NOT drive away deciding that he really didn't want a hand he wanted a handout. I was a bit disappointed..... then I decided that maybe I was NOT offering for the right reason. I asked God to allow me to be a servant to someone in need........ As I left the parking lot of the second store there was a lady struggling in one of those wheelchair carts to get up and get her things in her car. I stopped and helped her out, it felt good. The wind was blowing hard and it was cold. She barely could get herself to her car let alone get out of and unload the basket. Her smile was so warm when I offered to help her..... I felt like it was summer.........she warmed my heart.

I did NOT feed my family dried beef gravy for under 5.00 with green beans and pudding. I have NOT started to figure the cost of each meal around here. I have two growing boys and a daughter that loves food as much as she loves me. I expect that they are going to only increase the food intake as the days turn into years. Better start to economize.

I have NOT spent a lot of time this week not only praying for a tiny girl whose blog I visited that just had a heart transplant. She was having problems with the new heart and I wanted to keep her in prayer. Problem is I can't remember where it is anymore.......... that is NOT a symptom of old age memory loss! Nope.... I would prefer to call it pregnancy brain. After all I have done that 5 times and I know each time I seem to remember less. So if this blog is familiar with you could you please help me out????

I did NOT cancel the Llama and Alpaca show for March that I have put on for 9 years. I am NOT so upset to not get together with all the friends I have made over the years. We certainly can't have a show if it doesn't pay for itself. I really will NOT be bummed bad the third weekend when we should be partying with the people.

I did not spend way to much time in the "bow department", we have gazillions of bows why would I need more? Well I found new shades of the same colors and you know what a bow girl I have. She asks every morning for her bow as she picks out her shoes.

The little kids and I did NOT spend all morning and afternoon watching I LOVE Lucy. I do NOT love the show so much that I have it as one of the ring tones on my phone. I am not secretly thrilled that the boys like it almost as much as I do even though it is in black and white.

I did NOT vent to my dear husband that he needs to buck up and help more. Not Me!! I just watched Joyce Meyer tell me to be humble and cheerful to my mate. I did NOT pray just this morning to help me to try to follow and not lead. I did NOT fail horribly............... At least I did put my cart back at Wal-Mart! Joyce likes it when you do that.

I have not spent most of the day with a scratchy throat and eyes that seem to be on fire if I close them. I do NOT know what is coming and have already been hating what my next few days will be like. Around here there is little relief for Mommy when she gets sick. Who else would keep this boat floating??? I just hope that none of the rest of the crew catches it or it will really NOT suck!!! (spraying myself with lysol..... and the keyboard......... and the phone......... and the doorknobs........ you get the idea.

This is what happens when you turn your back and leave the foam shapes unattended


Shewwwwww! I feel so much better getting that out! Hopefully you'll have some good ones of your own. No hugs this time, I wouldn't want to pass my germys on to you.


Leah said...

I love the title of your blog! I say those words daily to my daughter. 2 of her favorite things. Have a good Monday!

Hannah_Rae said...

Which do you have, llamas or alpacas? I desperately want a couple of alpacas, but my husband has put a freeze on my critter obtaining for the moment. :)

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

How could you get mad at a little girl dressed so adorably!!

Come visit my NMM HERE!

karina said...

Penny, here is the website you were looking for....
Thanks for the pep talk today! love you!