This is a first try for me on a new bloggy day of the week thing. I'm game, especially with the alphabet. I am pretty good at it you see.... so I will try to play along a bit.
How about a bit of "fist-fight" fun. These guys keep us giggling all the time.
Pop on over to Mama Bear's blog and play along.....
Well, today our boys decided that they wanted to get involved with Stellan's name gallery. You see, we like about a million other people,(no really, Jennifer's blog just hit 7 million today)we have been praying for little Stellan's heart to slow down and let him be the healthy little 5 month old that his Mom is praying for.
So they watch the tweets to see when there is some new information. While we were surfing we stumbled on the name gallery. This is the place that hundreds if not thousands of people have written Stellan's name is creative ways. So we started to brainstorm and many many of the ways the boys thought of were already taken.
But about 3 days ago there was a breakthrough. Only problem was we had NO sun! As you can see from the shots we needed sun.
not too shabby for 6 & 8.
Speaking about not to shabby, someone seems to have had a language explosion. At 19 months of age the words just seem to be popping out of her all the time. This is a short list just so I can remember
Tay Tay(Taylor)
Go dan (Logan)
Nee (Tiffany)
Cokey (Courtney)
nana (banana)
poppy (pacifier)
bye bye
bow (her favorite)
soooz (shoes)
Cosss (socks)
night night
baf (bath)
Pa (my Dad)
mama (llama)
arff (dog, and what it says)
cak cak (duck)
Mooo (cow says)
gouldy gouldy (cheerios)
bitey (bite)
catty (cat)
MoMo (Elmo, another favorite)
beaney (green beans)
uh-huh (in a singy song tune)
Nax (Max)
moe (more)
Kendall absolutely LOVES to sing and dance. She sings so loud and one of the songs sounds like the B I B L E.
One of her favorite pastimes is to play in her closet with her shoes. She also likes to feed her baby, pet the cats or dog. Feed treats to Max and Maggie.
She also likes to play with cars and trucks, sound effects and all.
Conversation with a 6 yr old.
Taylor: Hey Tiffany, I am going to play a April Fools joke on you.
Tiffany: Taylor, you can't play an April Fool's joke on my now.....
Taylor: Why not?
Tiffany: Because April Fools Day is over.
Taylor: But I didn't remember to do it on April Fools Day.....
Tiffany: Sorry, you'll have to wait until next year now.
Taylor: No, I'm going to just do it now.
Tiffany: You can't buddy, that's the rules......
Taylor Oh okay, well I got a good one for you next year.
We are preparing for a weekend of fun and excitement..... how about you?
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
1 month ago
Great F! Fun! Glad to have you join us!
Cute April Fool's conversation. I recall hearing a similar one in our house.
Stellan's name in shadow is amazing. That was an incredible idea whether or not they are just 6 and 8!
A very creative take on the name gallery! It's fun to see where everyone is from.
Thanks for your prayers for Stellan and for joining in the Alphabitty Moments fun.
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